consideration n. 1.考虑,考察;讨论,商量。 2.照顾,关心;体谅,体恤。 3.报酬,补偿。 4.尊敬,敬意。 5.原因,理由;须考虑到的事实[问题];理由。 6.〔罕用语〕重要性。 a man of consideration要人。 That's a consideration. 那是一个值得考虑的问题。 after due consideration 经相当考虑后。 be of no consideration 并不紧要,没有什么问题。 for a consideration 为求报酬,为求补偿(He sold it for a consideration. 为了换取一点补偿,他把它低价卖掉了)。 for the consideration of 作为…的参考。 give adequate consideration to 适当照顾。 in consideration of 考虑到,因,由于;以作…的谢礼,酬劳。 leave out of consideration 置之度外,不以…为意。 not on any consideration 决不。 (be) of consideration 值得考虑[重要]的。 on no consideration 决不(On no consideration could I consent. 我决不能同意)。 out of consideration for your feelings 看你面上,由于照顾你的情绪。 take into consideration 估量到,斟酌。 show [have] consideration for (sb.'s position) 考虑[照顾]到(某人处境)。 taking one consideration with another 对各方面进行考虑。 the first consideration 第一要件,最重要的事。 under consideration 考虑中,研究中。 under no consideration 决不。 without due consideration (不假思索)贸然,轻率。
Several other items are of interest when inserts are under consideration . 在设计插件时,还有几个其他问题值得注意。
These examples illustrate the numerous reforms that have been undertaken or are under consideration in developing countries . 以上事例显示了发展中国家已经发生的或正在酝酿之中的大量改革。
We are to advise you that the matter is under consideration 此事已在讨论中,特此通知。
We know this idea is under consideration 我们知道这一想法正在考虑之中。
The following full - time pedestrian streets are under consideration 正在计划中的全日行人专用街道包括:
The following part - time pedestrian streets are under consideration 正在计划中的部分时间行人专用街道包括:
These questions and others are under consideration among the foaf developers Foaf开发人员目前都在考虑这些问题以及其它问题。
Be under consideration 在考虑中
A third round is under consideration , although major powers have agreed to delay new penalties until at least november 第三轮制裁正在考虑之中,虽然国际主要势力已同意将新惩罚的实施至少推延到十一月。